Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Oh Snap!

Working on some things.  Why?  Because I can, but mostly because I'm planning something huge (well, huge for me) in a few months.  Not sharing until it's firmed up, but let's just say it's the hugest thing I've done with my crafty thus far.

Loving my new snap press.  Did I mention it's red?  It is.  Red and heavy and industrial-like.  I just turn in circles in my crafty room wondering what to snap next.

Today it was a couple of simple A-line dresses.  I purchased this fabric with a reversible Valentine's Day inspired pinafore in mind.  That is, until I got my snap press.

Oddly, I'd never made this A-line style before.  (Probably because it's best made with snaps.)  Turns out it's pretty easy and quick to whip up.

I have a pattern, but I didn't really follow it.  In fact, I thought it was a bunch of crap and didn't even finish reading it.  I think I did just fine on my own.  :)

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